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Unix ---> Miscellaneous |
This page is a terse description of a few more
Unix commands that you may find occasion to use.
- awk
- - A pattern scanning and processing language.
- bar
- - Creates a tape archive. (Similar to tar)
- bg
- - Moves a job into the background.
- cal
- - Displays a calendar.
- cc
- - Compiles C code.
- chfn
- - Changes finger information.
- clear
- - Clears your terminal's screen.
- cmp
- - Performs a byte-by-byte comparison of two files.
- cut
- - Removes selected fields from each line of a file.
- date
- - Displays or sets the date.
- ed
- - The most basic line editor.
- ex
- - A simple line editor. Also know as e or edit.
- fg
- - Moves a job into the foreground.
- file
- - Determines the type of a file by examining its contents.
- fmt
- - Formats text.
- hostname
- - Sets or prints the name of the current host computer.
- jobs
- - Lists the current jobs in the shell.
- make
- - Maintains, updates, and regenerates related
programs and files.
- mesg
- - Permits or denies messages on your terminal.
- mt
- - Provides magnetic tape control.
- od
- - Dumps octal, decimal, hexadecimal, or ascii representations
of files.
- pack/unpack
- - Similar to compress/uncompress, but uses Huffman
- paste
- - Joins corresponding lines of several files.
- rev
- - Reverses the order of characters in each line.
- rcp
- - Copies a file from a remote computer to the local computer and vice
- rsh
- - Execute a remote shell command.
- sed
- - A stream editor-quite powerful.
- sort
- - Sorts and collates lines.
- split
- - Splits a file into pieces.
- stty
- - Sets or alters the options for a terminal.
- tr
- - Translates characters.
- uname
- - Displays the name of the current system.
- units
- - Converts a number into different units.
- uuencode/uudecode
- - Encodes/decodes a binary file into strictly
ascii characters. (Useful for transmission via
electronic mail)
- write
- - Write a message to another user.
- xget/xsend
- - Commands for sending/receiving secret mail.
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