yossman.net logo 2003-07-06


acceptable use policy

last revision:
info at yossman.net
this document attempts to explain where yossman.net's responsibilities lie with respect to any information (known as "content") that yossman.net users (known as "members") store on yossman.net servers.

all content stored on yossman.net's servers by members of yossman.net, accessed privately only by that member, or offered to the Internet via any distribution system (eg. the web), is the sole responsibility of that member, the person who owns the account.

put simply, this means members, not yossman.net, are responsible for all content they store on yossman.net servers. yossman.net does not control content stored on the yossman.net servers by members; no guarantees are offered or implied by yossman.net that any of that content found on yossman.net servers is in any way accurate, or unoffensive, or even legal to view and/or possess in the country one is in when visiting the yossman.net servers.

yossman.net will not be held liable under any circumstances for any content found in member areas of the service, nor will yossman.net be liable for any loss of any kind incurred as a result of use of any content found on, or transmitted from, yossman.net servers.

members and visiting guests agree not to use any yossman.net service to do any of the following:

-- engage in any use of the service that inhibits, or has an otherwise negative effect on, another person's ability to use the yossman.net services, or any services found on any network anywhere, often referred to as "DoS" attacks (Denial-Of-Service attacks);

-- impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

-- forge or manipulate identification information in order to disguise the origin of any content stored or sent through yossman.net;

-- transmit, via any means, any unsolicited or unauthorized email, advertising product or services - types of communcations otherwise known as "spam";

-- use any of the yossman.net services to be generally annoying and/or obnoxious to other people on the Internet, through repeated unwanted communications and/or other types of data transmission.

yossman.net disclaims any and all rights to retain any member's data, and will make only the best effort to backup your data (in accordance with pre-existing laws as subject to the laws of Canada). yossman.net is absolved of any fiduciary responsiblity to you in the event of data loss.

yossman.net reserves the right to remove any content anywhere on the system, member data or otherwise. discovery of illicit data on the servers, or any violation of these acceptable use terms, is grounds for member account termination.

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 |___/                      so much to do, so little time...

yossman.net - helping people use the Internet since 1996.
except where otherwise noted, this site and its contents are copyright © 1996-2006 yossarian holmberg (of yossman.net, inc.), all rights reserved. yossman.net is a division of 1533044 Ontario Incorporated, in Canada.