yossman.net - members support - introduction to unix file and directory permissions.
document first created 1996-08-03.
document URL is http://www.yossman.net/support/permissions.html.
document last updated 2004-01-25.
your account home directory on yossman.net is usually under the /home/
system directory tree (/home/ and /usr/home/ are the same spot on most yossman.net systems). it
has certain permissions on it, which determine who has access to what in your home
directory. permissions are a pretty important concept, so let's take a brief look at the most
important points about them.
consider this example directory listing, which was gotten using the command
"ls -als" from the /usr/home/ directory:
total 43
2 drwxr-xr-x 24 root operator 1536 Aug 2 15:40 .
1 drwxr-xr-x 19 root operator 512 Jul 21 14:57 ..
1 drwxr-xr-x 10 user1 staff 512 Aug 2 22:03 user1
1 drwx--x--x 6 user2 staff 1024 Jun 30 05:50 user2
1 drwx--x--x 8 user3 staff 512 Jul 1 12:00 user3
see the second column in the second line, where it says "drwxr-xr-x"?
that's called the "permissions array", and that shows you what the
permissions are for each directory or file. using this information in
conjunction with the fourth and fifth columns, where in the second row of
the listing it says "root" and "operator", tells you who has
permissions to look at or change that directory or file. the fourth column
shows what user owns the directory or file, and the fifth column
shows what main group owns the directory or file.
the permissions array has three groups of permissions of three letters each,
which is the "rwxr-xr-x" part. the very first letter of the array is
a special letter which denotes things like a directory listing with a
"d", which all of the example listings are. the next three letters,
"rwx" in the first listing in our example, which is the first
set of permissions, are the owner permissions. the next
three, "r-x" in this case, are the group permissions. every
user on the system belongs to at least one group, which is a way of
catagorizing users. finally, the last set of three, "r-x", is the
world permissions. this controls the permissions for ANY user
on the machine, regardless of who they are or what group they are
in the permissions array, an "r" means read permissions,
"w" means write permissions to that directory, and
"x" means listing permission. if a directory has
"x" set, but not "r", then you must know the exact filename
of any file you want to list in that directory; you cannot just "cd"
to the directory and do "ls", since you will get permission
the first two directory listings in our example look like this:
2 drwxr-xr-x 85 root operator 1536 Aug 2 15:40 .
1 drwxr-xr-x 19 root operator 512 Jul 21 14:57 ..
these show first the listing for what is known as the "current
directory" (/usr/home/), and second the listing for one directory
back in the tree, which in this case would be /usr/. you will note
that in order to switch to the directory immediately back from your current
one you change directory, or "cd", to ".."; the command
looks like "cd ..". if you do "cd ." you would be changing
directory to the current directory you're already looking at. notice these
two directories are owned by root, which is denoted in the fourth
column over in the list. the "root" user is the administrator, or the
"super user". you won't be able to change permissions on directories
or files owned by root.
let's say that you are user1. your directory listing looks
like this:
1 drwxr-xr-x 10 user1 staff 512 Aug 2 22:03 user1
the "drwxr-xr-x" part is your permissions array for your main home
directory. the first letter, "d", means "directory",
indicating this listing is of a directory as opposed to a file. the first
set of permissions, which is the first three letters after the
"d", are "rwx". this means the owner, which in this
case is user1, has permissions to read the directory contents
(with an "ls" for instance), write to the directory (save
files, delete files), and execute any program files that are in the
the next three letters, which in this case are "r-x", mean that any
user who is in the "staff" user group has access to read your
files, and "execute" any programs you have in the directory. they
cannot overwrite or delete your files, but the world permissions can
change all that.
the world permissions, the last set of three letters, which are
"r-x" in this case, allow ANY user on this machine to read
your files and execute any programs or scripts you have in your home
directory. even if you changed the group permissions to disallow
any read permissions, the world permissions override that
because they apply to any user, not just the users in your group.
let's discuss what these permissions should be for an average user. if you have a web
site on yossman.net, then your directory permissions should be "drwx--x--x". to make
sure your directory permissions are right, login to yoss.canweb.net and do "cd ..".
your home directory will be the same name as your login name, so now do "chmod 711
if you don't have a web site on yossman.net, you can change the "chmod 711
yourloginnamehere" command to "chmod 700 yourloginnamehere" instead. so for
user1, we'd do "chmod 700 user1".