
30"x120" sheet of laminate - the layout is tricky but works.

Transferred to material

The last time I did a project using laminate like this, I swore off ever doing projects using laminate like this, I remembered, while rough cutting this laminate for this...

Attaching the laminate.

Pictures get scarce around here; I had my folks up for a visit. I had intended to have help soldering up the 120vac section of the power box.
I realized, belatedly, that there were a pile of not easily seen prerequisites that all had to happen before that could be done...

... so we did them. All.

And after a flurry of progress, here is where it stands. This isn't a mockup, it's standing on it's own. Very solid. I overbuilt it in the design stage, I see now.

Laminate is finished, T-molding grooves are cut; you can see a test piece on the right.

From here, it's going to be painting, a whole lot of wire routing, mounting the speaker panel, completing the marquee rail, procuring glass, and locating the TV mount...
but it has crossed over from feeling "mostly not done" to "mostly done" in my head, and that's sure something.
