
[ US (1) | US (2) | EU (1) | EU (2)
UK | AU (1) | AU (2) mirror ]
Latest release: 2.55

Tests Performed

This is the current list of tests SpamAssassin(tm) performs on mail messages to determine if they're spam or not. If you wish to change the score from the default, add a line like this to your ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs:

score NAME_OF_TEST 3.0

Where 3.0 is the hits you wish that test to incur, and NAME_OF_TEST is the test name from the TEST NAME column below.

If you wish to disable a test, set the score to 0 by adding a line like this to your ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs:

score NAME_OF_TEST 0

Note that these are the scores for the current stable release of SpamAssassin; they may be different from the ones you're running on your servers, if SpamAssassin is installed there.

header Message-Id indicates a non-spam MUA (Pine) USER_AGENT_PINE 0.001
header User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Mozilla) USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_UA -0.498 0.001 -0.498 0.001
header X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Netscape) USER_AGENT_MOZILLA_XM -0.275 0.001 0.001 0.001
header User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Outlook Express) USER_AGENT_MACOE 0.001
header User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Entourage) USER_AGENT_ENTOURAGE 0.001
header User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (KMail) USER_AGENT_KMAIL -0.399 0.001 -0.299 -0.470
header User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (IMP) USER_AGENT_IMP -0.460 -0.347 -0.180 -0.407
header X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (T-Offline) USER_AGENT_TONLINE -0.425 -0.499 -0.189 -0.349
header X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Apple Mail) USER_AGENT_APPLEMAIL 0.001
header User-Agent header indicates a non-spam MUA (Gnus) USER_AGENT_GNUS_UA -0.480 -0.499 -0.499 -0.480
header X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Gnus) USER_AGENT_GNUS_XM -0.298 -0.299 -0.166 -0.141
header X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (VM) USER_AGENT_VM 0.001 0.001 0.001 -0.061
header X-Mailer header indicates a non-spam MUA (Forte) USER_AGENT_FORTE -0.443 -0.454 -0.499 -0.499
body Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email GTUBE 1000
full Listed in Razor1, see RAZOR_CHECK 0.0
full Listed in Razor2, see RAZOR2_CHECK 0.0 2.063 0.0 0.880
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 1 and 10 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_01_10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.157
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 11 and 20 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_11_20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.418
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 21 and 30 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_21_30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.767
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 31 and 40 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_31_40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.414
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 41 and 50 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_41_50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.534
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 51 and 60 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.594
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 61 and 70 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_61_70 0.0
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 71 and 80 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_71_80 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.909
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 81 and 90 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_81_90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.959
body Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 91 and 100 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_91_100 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.208
full Listed in DCC, see DCC_CHECK 0.0 3.017 0.0 2.635
full Listed in Pyzor, see PYZOR_CHECK 0.0 4.400 0.0 1.211
body List removal information REMOVE_IN_QUOTES 0.001 0.197 0.001 0.301
body Click-to-remove with mailto: found beforehand CLICK_TO_REMOVE_2 0.700 0.626 0.717 0.0
rawbody Contains an ASCII-formatted form ASCII_FORM_ENTRY 0.0 1.070 0.0 0.834
body Incorporates a tracking ID number TRACKER_ID 2.574 3.376 2.898 4.295
body RAND found, spammer forgot to run the random-ID generator MARKUP_RAND 2.900
body SSPL found, spammer forgot to run the random-ID generator MARKUP_SSPL 0.0
body Contains a large block of hexadecimal code LARGE_HEX 1.151 0.502 0.524 1.378
body Weird repeated double-quotation marks in body WEIRD_QUOTING 1.066 1.545 0.313 1.923
rawbody Message text disguised using base-64 encoding BASE64_ENC_TEXT 2.354 1.643 1.544 1.768
rawbody Excessive quoted-printable encoding in body MIME_EXCESSIVE_QP 0.0
rawbody Message text in HTML without specified charset MIME_HTML_NO_CHARSET 0.638 0.759 0.365 0.0
rawbody Quoted-printable line longer than 76 characters MIME_LONG_LINE_QP 0.261 0.155 0.051 0.0
rawbody MIME section missing boundary MIME_MISSING_BOUNDARY 0.501 0.163 0.0 1.334
rawbody Message includes Microsoft executable program MICROSOFT_EXECUTABLE 0.100
rawbody MIME filename does not match content MIME_SUSPECT_NAME 0.100
body Character set indicates a foreign language CHARSET_FARAWAY 3.200
body Written in an undesired language UNDESIRED_LANGUAGE_BODY 3.970
body Body includes 8 consecutive 8-bit characters BODY_8BITS 1.500
rawbody Deficient quoted-printable encoding in body MIME_DEFICIENT_QP 2.300 2.093 2.172 2.696
header Uses the Habeas warrant mark ( HABEAS_SWE -4.600
header Message from eBay GENUINE_EBAY_RCVD -1.615 -1.593 -1.401 -0.624
header Has an Approved-By moderated list header APPROVED_BY -0.398 -0.157 -0.182 -0.147
header Looks like a Bugzilla bug BUGZILLA_BUG -1.401 -1.401 -1.690 -1.401
header Looks like a Debian BTS bug DEBIAN_BTS_BUG -1.401 -1.401 0.0 -2.710
header From Majordomo MAJORDOMO -0.317 0.0 -0.035 0.0
header Has a valid-looking References header REFERENCES -0.498 -0.499 -0.498 -0.001
header Has a X-Cron-Env header CRON_ENV -0.380 -0.388 -0.270 -0.341
header Has a In-Reply-To header IN_REP_TO -0.498 -0.499 -0.498 -0.369
header Has a X-Authentication-Warning header X_AUTH_WARNING -0.498 -0.399 0.0 -0.398
header Has a X-Mailing-List header X_MAILING_LIST 0.001
header Has a X-Loop header X_LOOP 0.001
header Has a X-Accept-Language header X_ACCEPT_LANG 0.0 -0.095 0.0 0.0
header Has a Resent-To header RESENT_TO -0.498 -0.192 -0.398 0.0
header Email came from some known mailing list software KNOWN_MAILING_LIST -0.536 -0.872 -0.168 -0.300
body Came from MSN Communities MSN_GROUPS 0.0
header Subject is an eBay question Q_FOR_SELLER -0.499 -0.278 -0.399 -0.399
header Subject contains newsletter header (in review) SUBJECT_IS_IN_REVIEW 0.0
header Appears to be from yahoo groups FROM_EGROUPS -0.498 -0.499 0.0 -0.306
header 'Message-Id' was added by, that's OK YAHOO_MSGID_ADDED 0.0
body Common footer for Hotmail HOTMAIL_FOOTER1 0.0 0.0 -0.231 -0.044
body Common footer for Hotmail HOTMAIL_FOOTER2 0.0 0.0 -0.210 0.0
body Common footer for Hotmail HOTMAIL_FOOTER3 0.0
body Common footer for Hotmail HOTMAIL_FOOTER5 -0.207 0.0 0.0 0.0
body Common footer for MSN MSN_FOOTER1 0.0 -0.177 -0.496 0.0
body Yahoo! Groups message GROUPS_YAHOO_1 -0.498 -0.499 -0.498 -0.497
full Short signature present (no empty lines) SIGNATURE_SHORT_DENSE 0.0
full Short signature present (empty lines) SIGNATURE_SHORT_SPARSE 0.0
full Long signature present (no empty lines) SIGNATURE_LONG_DENSE -0.499 -0.221 0.0 -0.491
full Long signature present (empty lines) SIGNATURE_LONG_SPARSE -0.498 0.0 -0.497 -0.494
body A MailMan confirm-your-address message MAILMAN_CONFIRM 0.0
header Contains a PGP-signed message (signature attached) PGP_SIGNATURE_2 -2.595 -2.454 -2.715 -2.207
rawbody Contains what looks like a patch from diff -u PATCH_UNIFIED_DIFF -0.499 -0.499 -0.388 -0.498
rawbody Contains what looks like a patch from diff -c PATCH_CONTEXT_DIFF 0.0 -0.188 -0.100 -0.288
body Contains what looks like an 'E-Mail Disclaimer' DISCLAIMER_LEGALESE 0.0 0.0 -0.033 0.0
body Contains what looks like an email attribution EMAIL_ATTRIBUTION -0.498 -0.499 -0.462 -0.498
rawbody Contains what looks like a quoted email text QUOTED_EMAIL_TEXT -0.498 -0.481 -0.472 -0.380
body Contains twice quoted reply QUOTE_TWICE_1 -0.283 0.0 -0.498 0.0
body Contains a password retrieval system FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD -0.170 -0.399 -0.095 -0.143
header Where are you working at? HAS_ORGANIZATION 0.0
body Common footer for Hotmail HOTMAIL_FOOTER4 0.0 -0.164 0.0 0.0
header From the Mailer-Daemon MAILER_DAEMON 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.398
header Mailer daemon failure notice (1) FAILURE_NOTICE_1 0.0 -0.299 0.0 0.0
body Mailer daemon failure notice (2) FAILURE_NOTICE_2 0.0 -0.399 0.0 0.0
header Forwarded email FWD_MSG 0.0 -0.299 0.0 0.0
header Message-Id indicates the message was sent from MS Exchange MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE -0.498 -0.376 0.0 -0.142
header From: does not include a real name NO_REAL_NAME 0.993 0.820 1.137 1.149
header From: ends in numbers FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS 0.609 0.745 0.608 0.641
header From: starts with nums FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS 0.499 0.0 0.0 0.0
header From: contains numbers mixed in with letters FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS 0.0 0.0 0.508 0.062
header Uses an address with lots of numbers, at a big ISP ADDR_NUMS_AT_BIGSITE 0.659 0.555 1.962 2.051
header From address is "at something-offers" FROM_OFFERS 4.300 4.299 4.300 4.299
header From: has no local-part before @ sign FROM_NO_USER 1.773 0.928 2.796 2.587
header To: has no local-part before @ sign TO_NO_USER 2.796 2.799 2.796 2.324
header To: address contains spaces TO_HAS_SPACES 0.037 0.0 0.0 0.0
header To: is empty TO_EMPTY 1.994 2.596 1.725 2.497
header Reply-To: is empty REPLY_TO_EMPTY 1.805 0.498 0.586 1.875
header Reply-To: contains an underline and numbers/letters REPLY_TO_HAS_UNDERLINE_NUMS 0.500 0.501 1.820 0.001
header To: repeats address as real name TO_ADDRESS_EQ_REAL 0.635 0.0 1.198 0.209
header Valid-looking To "undisclosed-recipients" UNDISC_RECIPS 1.751 1.170 0.0 0.0
header Faked To "Undisclosed-Recipients" FAKED_UNDISC_RECIPS 4.300
header Subject has exclamation mark and question mark PLING_QUERY 0.382 0.699 0.867 0.070
header Subject contains a unique ID SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID 1.082 1.254 0.668 0.453
header Subject contains lots of white space SUBJ_HAS_SPACES 1.388 1.702 1.519 3.531
header Subject is all capitals SUBJ_ALL_CAPS 1.099 1.148 0.817 0.491
header Message-Id has no @ sign MSGID_HAS_NO_AT 0.100 0.0 0.0 0.0
header Message-Id generated by a spam tool MSGID_SPAMSIGN_1 2.900
header Message-Id generated by spam tool (zeroes variant) MSGID_SPAMSIGN_ZEROES 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header Message-Id generated by spam tool (6-letter variant) MSGID_SPAMSIGN_6LETTER 4.400 4.400 4.300 4.300
header Message-Id generated by spam tool (4-zeroes variant) MSGID_OE_SPAM_4ZERO 2.129 3.489 4.300 4.300
header Message-Id generated by spam tool (3-dollars variant) MSGID_3_DOLLARS 2.900
header Message-Id generated by spam tool (4-num-dollar variant) MSGID_4NUMS_DOLLAR 2.900
header Message-Id has characters indicating spam MSGID_CHARS_SPAM 0.218 0.0 1.138 0.342
header Message-Id has no hostname MSGID_NO_HOST 2.796 2.900 1.270 1.583
header Message-Id is fake (in Outlook Express format) MSGID_OUTLOOK_TIME 4.500 4.400 4.400 4.400
header Invalid Date: header (not RFC 2822) INVALID_DATE 0.594 0.594 0.592 0.592
header Invalid Date: header (timezone does not exist) INVALID_DATE_TZ_ABSURD 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header Invalid Date: year begins with zero DATE_YEAR_ZERO_FIRST 4.300
header Date: is 3 to 6 hours before Received: date DATE_IN_PAST_03_06 0.271 0.294 0.494 0.267
header Date: is 6 to 12 hours before Received: date DATE_IN_PAST_06_12 0.759 0.755 0.415 0.059
header Date: is 12 to 24 hours before Received: date DATE_IN_PAST_12_24 0.0 0.126 0.094 0.0
header Date: is 24 to 48 hours before Received: date DATE_IN_PAST_24_48 0.0 0.0 0.069 0.0
header Date: is 48 to 96 hours before Received: date DATE_IN_PAST_48_96 0.0
header Date: is 96 hours or more before Received: date DATE_IN_PAST_96_XX 1.235 1.634 2.111 0.561
header Date: is 3 to 6 hours after Received: date DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06 2.504 0.928 1.644 1.378
header Date: is 6 to 12 hours after Received: date DATE_IN_FUTURE_06_12 1.534 1.344 1.457 1.114
header Date: is 12 to 24 hours after Received: date DATE_IN_FUTURE_12_24 1.869 2.799 0.500 0.718
header Date: is 24 to 48 hours after Received: date DATE_IN_FUTURE_24_48 2.696 2.599 2.729 2.900
header Date: is 48 to 96 hours after Received: date DATE_IN_FUTURE_48_96 2.297 2.199 0.0 2.429
header Date: is 96 hours or more after Received: date DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_XX 1.691 0.0 2.098 0.0
header Subject: starts with advertising tag ADVERT_CODE 1.101 1.705 4.300 1.101
header Subject: contains advertising tag ADVERT_CODE2 2.104 2.477 1.558 0.930
header Subject: contains Korean unsolicited email tag KOREAN_UCE_SUBJECT 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header sent to or similar FRIEND_AT_PUBLIC 2.900 2.900 2.796 1.965
header sent from or to FRIEND_PUBLIC 2.900
header Subject: domain names are cheap DOMAINS_CHEAP 2.900
header Subject: domain registration spam subject DOMAIN_SUBJECT 0.0
header Domain in From header has no MX or A DNS records NO_DNS_FOR_FROM 1
header From and To are the same, but not exactly FROM_AND_TO_SAME 2.097 1.826 2.197 1.464
header Fake name used in SMTP HELO command BAD_HELO_WARNING 0.0
header Subject is full of 8-bit characters SUBJ_FULL_OF_8BITS 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header Headers include 3 consecutive 8-bit characters HEADER_8BITS 4.400 1.179 4.300 1.889
header Received via buggy SMTP server (MDaemon 2.7.4SP4R) MDAEMON_2_7_4 2.900
header Received: contains a name with a faked IP-address FAKED_IP_IN_RCVD 2.900
header Received via SMTPD32 server (SMTPD32-n.n) SMTPD_IN_RCVD 0.529 0.0 1.131 0.602
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM 0.0 0.552 0.0 0.864
header DNSBL: sender is Confirmed Open Relay X_OSIRU_OPEN_RELAY 0.0 2.900 0.0 0.0
header DNSBL: sender ip address in in a dialup block X_OSIRU_DUL 0.0
header DNSBL: sender is Confirmed Spam Source X_OSIRU_SPAM_SRC 0.0
header DNSBL: sender is a Spamware site or vendor X_OSIRU_SPAMWARE_SITE 0.0 1.101 0.0 0.0
header Received from first hop dialup listed in X_OSIRU_DUL_FH 0.0
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_RELAYS_ORDB_ORG 0.0
header Received via SBLed relay, see RCVD_IN_SBL 0.0 1.013 0.0 1.101
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_ORBS 0.0 0.499 0.0 0.114
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_OPM 0.0 2.336 0.0 4.295
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_DSBL 0.0 2.574 0.0 4.295
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_MULTIHOP_DSBL 0.0
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_UNCONFIRMED_DSBL 0.0 0.512 0.0 0.0
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_RFCI 0.0 1.448 0.0 1.092
header Sender is on Habeas Infringer List HABEAS_HIL 4.0
header Bonded sender, see RCVD_IN_BONDEDSENDER 0.0 -0.938 0.0 -4.200
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET 0.0
header Received via RBLed relay, see RCVD_IN_RBL 0.0
header Received via RSSed relay, see RCVD_IN_RSS 0.0
header Received from dialup, see RCVD_IN_DUL 0.0
header Received from first hop dialup, see RCVD_IN_DUL_FH 0.0
header Received via a relay in RCVD_IN_NJABL 0.0 0.853 0.0 0.844
header NJABL: sender is proxy/relay/formmail/spam-source X_NJABL_OPEN_PROXY 0.0 0.458 0.0 0.809
header NJABL: sender is on dialup/dynamic IP X_NJABL_DIALUP 0.0 0.053 0.0 0.0
header Lots and lots of Cc: headers LOTS_OF_CC_LINES 2.900
header trail of Received: headers seems to be forged FORGED_RCVD_TRAIL 1.425 1.309 2.049 1.979
header Received forged, contains fake AOL relays FORGED_AOL_RCVD 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header Contains forged hostname for a DSL IP in Brazil FORGED_TELESP_RCVD 2.900
header Forged 'Received:' header found FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD 2.335 1.101 1.184 1.101
header 'From' address, but no 'Received:' SEMIFORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD 1.854 1.654 2.667 1.352
header Forged 'Received:' header found FORGED_EUDORAMAIL_RCVD 2.896 2.617 2.896 2.616
header 'From' does not match 'Received' headers FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD 2.401 2.293 2.676 2.696
header 'From' does not match 'Received' headers FORGED_JUNO_RCVD 2.696 2.799 2.796 2.796
header Forged 'by gw05' 'Received:' header found FORGED_GW05_RCVD 2.900
header Forged Received 'from mx' header FORGED_MX_HOTMAIL 2.900
header Sent by a known spamhaus (qves) RCVD_BY_QVES_COM 2.900
header Character set doesn't exist NONEXISTENT_CHARSET 2.900
header A foreign language charset used in headers CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADERS 2.060
header 'X-Mailer' line contains gibberish X_MAILER_GIBBERISH 2.900 0.0 0.0 0.0
header Sent with 'X-Priority' set to high X_PRIORITY_HIGH 1.937 1.886 0.899 1.905
header Sent with 'X-Msmail-Priority' set to high X_MSMAIL_PRIORITY_HIGH 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.408
header 'Message-Id' was added by a relay (2) MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_2 1.026 0.403 1.188 0.785
header 'Message-Id' was added by a relay (3) MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 0.501 0.673 0.888 0.902
header 'From' contains more than one address MANY_FROMS 0.0 0.056 0.0 0.0
header Header contains an address from BTAMAIL_HEADER 2.900
header From: address is in the user's black-list USER_IN_BLACKLIST 100.000
header From: address is in the user's white-list USER_IN_WHITELIST -100.000
header Content type is "TEXT/HTML" in all caps HTML_ALL_CAPS 2.900
header Received: says mail bounced around the world (HELO) ROUND_THE_WORLD_LOCAL 2.594 2.799 1.861 2.597
header Received: says mail bounced around the world (DNS) ROUND_THE_WORLD 0.0 2.499 0.0 2.297
header Missing To: header MISSING_HEADERS 1.140 0.472 0.690 0.0
header Similar addresses in recipient list SUSPICIOUS_RECIPS 2.067 2.117 1.620 1.947
header Very similar addresses in recipient list VERY_SUSP_RECIPS 2.540 2.221 2.195 2.799
header Recipient list is sorted by address SORTED_RECIPS 2.948 2.847 2.796 3.020
header User is listed in 'whitelist_to' USER_IN_WHITELIST_TO -6.000
header User is listed in 'more_spam_to' USER_IN_MORE_SPAM_TO -20.000
header User is listed in 'all_spam_to' USER_IN_ALL_SPAM_TO -100.000
header Subject: contains G.a.p.p.y-T.e.x.t GAPPY_SUBJECT 0.815 0.192 0.425 1.545
header Message has X-Encoding header X_ENC_PRESENT 2.900
header Message has x-esmtp header X_ESMTP 0.985 0.522 0.834 0.804
header Message has X-Library header X_LIBRARY 1.454 1.594 1.593 1.591
header Message has X-List-Unsubscribe header X_LIST_UNSUBSCRIBE 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header Message has X-MailingID header X_MAIL_ID_PRESENT 0.700 0.700 0.701 0.381
header Message has X-PMFLAGS header X_PMFLAGS_PRESENT 2.896 2.900 2.485 2.900
header Message has X-Precedence-Ref header X_PRECEDENCE_REF 2.900
header Message has X-ServerHost header X_SERV_HOST_PRESENT 0.701 0.701 0.701 0.221
header Message has X-Stormpost-To header X_STORMPOST_TO 2.900
header Message has X-x header X_X_PRESENT 4.300
header Message has X-Fix header X_FIX_PRESENT 0.0
header Message has Complain-To header COMPLAIN_TO 2.900
header Message has X-VMP-Text header X_VMP_TEXT 2.900 4.300 2.900 2.900
header Message has X-GCMulti header X_GCMULTI 1.997 1.699 2.297 1.797
header Message has X-Mime-Key header X_MIME_KEY 2.900
header Message has microsoft header MICROSOFT 0.790 0.0 0.0 0.0
header MiME-Version header (oddly capitalized) MIME_ODD_CASE 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header Subject contains "As Seen" SUBJ_AS_SEEN 0.985 2.799 1.322 1.144
header Subject starts with dollar amount SUBJ_DOLLARS 1.751 0.228 0.780 0.957
header Subject contains "Double Your" SUBJ_DOUBLE_YOUR 1.611 0.478 1.609 1.227
header Subject contains "For Only" SUBJ_FOR_ONLY 1.528 0.193 0.0 0.417
header Subject contains "FREE" in CAPS SUBJ_FREE_CAP 0.358 0.701 0.0 0.580
header Subject contains "Free Instant" SUBJ_FREE_INSTANT 2.900
header Subject starts with "Free" SUB_FREE_OFFER 0.359 0.0 0.368 0.294
header Subject starts with "Hello" SUB_HELLO 2.149 2.699 2.497 2.559
header Subject includes "life insurance" SUBJ_LIFE_INSURANCE 2.424 2.900 2.021 2.900
header Subject contains "Now Only" SUBJ_NOW_ONLY 2.900
header Subject contains "Ripped & Strong" SUBJ_RIPPED 0.0
header Subject includes "viagra" SUBJ_VIAGRA 2.896 2.592 1.878 3.482
header Subject contains "Your Bills" or similar SUBJ_YOUR_DEBT 0.701 0.701 0.700 0.732
header Subject contains "Your Family" SUBJ_YOUR_FAMILY 2.900
header Subject contains "Your Own" SUBJ_YOUR_OWN 0.935 1.544 1.322 1.532
header Received contains a (dollar) variable reference VAR_REF_IN_RECEIVED 0.0
header Received contains a faked HELO hostname RCVD_FAKE_HELO_DOTCOM 1.791 2.606 2.264 3.434
header Received contains a faked HELO hostname (2) RCVD_FAKE_HELO_DOTCOM_2 2.335 2.404 1.221 2.799
header To: username at front of subject USERNAME_IN_SUBJECT 2.900
header Subject talks about losing pounds LOSE_POUNDS 4.300 4.300 2.900 2.900
header Message with extraneous Content-type:...type= header EXTRA_MPART_TYPE 0.484 0.044 1.135 0.658
header To header contains 'recipient' marker TO_RECIP_MARKER 2.900
header Subject talks about savings SAVINGS 0.377 0.036 0.0 0.501
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_DASH_DIGIT 1.579 0.0 0.736 0.579
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_HASHES 2.900
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_DIGITS_4 2.030 1.642 1.654 1.046
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_DIGITS_7 2.900
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_HEX_24 2.154 1.732 1.975 2.309
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_MA 0.145 0.0 0.504 0.0
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_MANY_HEX 2.900
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_OPTIN 2.900
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_MAIL_BOUND 2.900 2.900 0.0 0.0
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary MIME_BOUND_TEP 2.900
header Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary (rfkindy) MIME_BOUND_RKFINDY 2.157 2.900 2.900 2.900
header From address matches known spammer format FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS2 1.396 1.313 1.101 1.443
header Missing Date: header DATE_MISSING 1.472 1.080 1.033 0.354
header Received contains fake '' hostname POST_IN_RCVD 0.0
header To: non-existent 'Investors' address TO_INVESTORS 0.0
header To: has a malformed address TO_MALFORMED 1.347 1.523 1.820 1.611
header From,, etc. AZOOGLE 2.900
header Subject talks about being approved SUBJECT_APPROVED 2.896 2.630 2.793 2.799
header Subject has a Time ID SUBJ_HAS_TIME_ID 2.900
header From address is webmail, but starts with a number FROM_NUM_AT_WEBMAIL 2.900
header From address is webmail, and ends in lots of numbers FROM_WEBMAIL_ENDS_IN_NUMS6 0.905 1.496 0.950 0.286
header From Address contains FREE ADDR_FREE 2.045 1.634 2.458 0.844
header Message was sent by a Squid HTTP proxy RECEIVED_IDENT_SQUID 2.900
header Received contains 'CacheFlowServer' IDENT name RECEIVED_IDENT_CACHEFLOW 2.395 2.900 1.007 2.900
header Sent to a text file TO_TXT 2.900
header Involves '' CHINA_HEADER 2.900
header Received line contains spam-sign (lowercase smtp) WITH_LC_SMTP 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.300
header 'From' has no lower-case characters FROM_NO_LOWER 1.870 2.199 0.482 1.609
header 'Subject' starts with Buy, Buying SUBJ_BUY 0.813 1.898 0.808 1.586
header Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam NIGERIAN_SUBJECT1 2.900 2.900 2.379 2.900
header Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam NIGERIAN_SUBJECT2 2.497 2.299 2.578 2.497
header Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam NIGERIAN_SUBJECT6 2.900 2.900 0.0 1.931
body HTML included in message HTML_MESSAGE 0.112 0.101 0.100 0.0
body Message is 0% to 10% HTML HTML_00_10 1.357 1.209 1.139 0.0
body Message is 10% to 20% HTML HTML_10_20 1.110 1.365 1.257 1.209
body Message is 20% to 30% HTML HTML_20_30 1.282 1.158 1.281 1.470
body Message is 30% to 40% HTML HTML_30_40 0.617 0.886 0.319 0.629
body Message is 40% to 50% HTML HTML_40_50 1.057 1.061 0.748 0.744
body Message is 50% to 60% HTML HTML_50_60 0.549 0.547 0.545 0.100
body Message is 60% to 70% HTML HTML_60_70 0.527 0.100 0.100 0.100
body Message is 70% to 80% HTML HTML_70_80 0.584 0.514 0.405 0.332
body Message is 80% to 90% HTML HTML_80_90 0.491 0.543 0.469 0.498
body Message is 90% to 100% HTML HTML_90_100 0.501 0.0 0.0 0.0
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING3 0.108 0.333 0.0 0.062
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING4 0.501 0.501 0.500 0.519
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING5 0.444 0.0 0.0 0.011
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING6 2.712 2.900 2.304 2.900
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING7 2.149 2.900 2.799 2.900
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING8 2.900
body HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_SHOUTING9 0.753 2.394 0.0 2.899
body HTML table has thick border HTML_TABLE_THICK_BORDER 1.101 1.101 1.101 0.500
body HTML comment contains email address HTML_COMMENT_EMAIL 0.0
body HTML comment contains non-spam Yahoo! Groups banner HTML_COMMENT_EGP -0.055 -0.264 0.0 0.0
body HTML comment contains SKY database codes HTML_COMMENT_SKY 1.101 1.814 4.300 4.300
body HTML comment has 3 consecutive 8-bit characters HTML_COMMENT_8BITS 2.900
body HTML message is a saved web page HTML_COMMENT_SAVED_URL 1.390 1.487 1.151 0.500
body HTML with embedded plugin object HTML_EMBEDS 0.180 0.0 0.0 0.284
body HTML contains auto-executing code HTML_EVENT 0.0
body HTML contains unsafe auto-executing code HTML_EVENT_UNSAFE 0.0 0.0 0.257 0.211
body FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up HTML_FONT_BIG 0.218 0.270 0.394 0.217
body HTML has a big "font" and "B" tag combo HTML_FONT_BIG_B 0.501 0.501 0.608 0.0
body HTML font color is missing hash ( HTML_FONT_COLOR_NOHASH 0.0
body HTML font color not within safe 6x6x6 palette HTML_FONT_COLOR_UNSAFE 0.100
body HTML font color has unusual name HTML_FONT_COLOR_NAME 0.442 0.0 0.204 0.0
body HTML font color is same as background HTML_FONT_INVISIBLE 0.0 0.0 0.214 0.0
body HTML font color is gray HTML_FONT_COLOR_GRAY 0.100
body HTML font color is red HTML_FONT_COLOR_RED 0.100
body HTML font color is yellow HTML_FONT_COLOR_YELLOW 0.0
body HTML font color is green HTML_FONT_COLOR_GREEN 0.708 0.786 0.878 0.217
body HTML font color is cyan HTML_FONT_COLOR_CYAN 0.0
body HTML font color is blue HTML_FONT_COLOR_BLUE 0.100
body HTML font color is magenta HTML_FONT_COLOR_MAGENTA 0.0 0.0 0.595 0.0
body HTML font color is unknown to us HTML_FONT_COLOR_UNKNOWN 0.302 0.613 0.0 0.0
body HTML font face is not a word HTML_FONT_FACE_BAD 0.0 0.425 0.0 0.644
body HTML font face is not a commonly used face HTML_FONT_FACE_ODD 0.085 0.293 0.0 0.315
body HTML font face has excess capital characters HTML_FONT_FACE_CAPS 0.0
body HTML includes a form which sends mail HTML_FORM_ACTION_MAILTO 1.101 4.300 1.101 1.101
body HTML has 4-5 kilopixels of images HTML_IMAGE_AREA_04 0.0
body HTML has 5-6 kilopixels of images HTML_IMAGE_AREA_05 0.046 0.319 0.0 0.495
body HTML has 6-7 kilopixels of images HTML_IMAGE_AREA_06 0.0
body HTML has 7-8 kilopixels of images HTML_IMAGE_AREA_07 0.492 0.988 0.0 0.0
body HTML has 8-9 kilopixels of images HTML_IMAGE_AREA_08 2.900 2.900 0.0 2.900
body HTML has over 9 kilopixels of images HTML_IMAGE_AREA_09 0.0
body HTML has images with 0-200 bytes of words HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_02 2.003 1.936 1.587 1.440
body HTML has images with 200-400 bytes of words HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_04 1.984 1.957 1.519 1.411
body HTML has images with 400-600 bytes of words HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_06 1.296 1.111 1.464 0.586
body HTML has images with 600-800 bytes of words HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_08 1.065 0.743 0.0 0.0
body HTML has images with 800-1000 bytes of words HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_10 0.738 0.502 0.392 0.330
body HTML has images with 1000-1200 bytes of words HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_12 0.144 0.282 0.507 0.0
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_02 1.101 0.500 1.101 0.500
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_04 0.597 0.890 0.390 0.273
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_06 0.769 0.019 0.271 0.227
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_08 0.525 0.339 0.283 0.885
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_10 0.141 0.092 0.0 0.0
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_12 0.160 0.664 0.0 0.699
body HTML has a low ratio of text to image area HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_14 0.0
body JavaScript code HTML_JAVASCRIPT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.230
body HTML link text says "click here" HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE 0.100
body HTML link text says "CLICK" HTML_LINK_CLICK_CAPS 1.101
body Frame wanted to load outside URL HTML_RELAYING_FRAME 1.008 0.272 0.071 0.0
body Image tag with an ID code to identify you HTML_WEB_BUGS 0.542 0.100 0.100 0.100
body Javascript to move windows around HTML_WIN_BLUR 0.0 0.0 0.921 0.0
body Javascript to change window focus HTML_WIN_FOCUS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.313
body Javascript to open a new window HTML_WIN_OPEN 0.500 0.501 0.501 0.578
body HTML mail with non-white background HTML_WITH_BGCOLOR 0.0 0.0 0.100 0.100
body HTML has excess "a" close tags HTML_TAG_BALANCE_A 0.0
body HTML has excess "font" close tags HTML_TAG_BALANCE_FONT 0.0
body HTML has unbalanced "html" tags HTML_TAG_BALANCE_HTML 0.248 0.0 0.265 0.0
body HTML has unbalanced "body" tags HTML_TAG_BALANCE_BODY 0.390 0.182 0.175 0.0
body HTML has unbalanced "head" tags HTML_TAG_BALANCE_HEAD 0.0
body HTML is missing "table" close tags HTML_TAG_BALANCE_TABLE 0.0 0.192 0.0 0.307
body HTML has "base" tags HTML_TAG_EXISTS_BASE 0.201 0.0 0.0 0.0
body HTML has "param" tag HTML_TAG_EXISTS_PARAM 0.0
body HTML has "tbody" tag HTML_TAG_EXISTS_TBODY 0.496 0.101 0.439 0.100
body HTML title contains no text HTML_TITLE_EMPTY 0.0 0.0 0.156 0.0
body HTML title contains "Untitled" HTML_TITLE_UNTITLED 0.386 0.423 0.501 0.0
rawbody Form for changing email address SPAM_FORM 0.0
rawbody Form for checking email address SPAM_FORM_RETURN 0.0
rawbody Obfuscated action attribute in HTML form SPAM_FORM_ACTION 0.0
rawbody Javascript to hide URLs in browser HIDE_WIN_STATUS 2.899 2.597 1.656 2.849
rawbody Contains link without http:// prefix LINK_TO_NO_SCHEME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.290
body List removal information REMOVE_SUBJ 1.626 0.917 1.328 0.657
body List removal information SUBJ_REMOVE 1.101 0.500 1.132 0.625
body List removal information REPLY_REMOVE_SUBJECT 0.0
body List removal information DISCONTINUE 0.0
body To be removed from list REMOVE_FROM_LIST 0.0 0.012 0.0 0.0
body We respect all removal requests REMOVE_RESPECT 4.300
body Send real mail to be unsubscribed REMOVE_POSTAL 3.446 2.790 4.299 2.753
body Asks you to click below (in capital letters) CLICK_BELOW_CAPS 0.639 0.500 0.100 0.500
body Click to be removed CLICK_TO_REMOVE_1 1.100 1.101 1.100 1.962
body Claims compliance with spam regulations SENT_IN_COMPLIANCE 1.101 4.300 1.101 4.300
body Claims compliance with Senate Bill 1618 BILL_1618 2.043 2.225 1.641 1.437
body Claims compliance with Senate Bill 1618 S_1618 2.900 0.0 2.900 0.0
body Claims compliance with Senate Bill 1618 UNDER_BILL_1618 4.300
body Claims compliance with spam regulations SECTION_301 1.101 1.660 1.101 1.101
body Claims compliance with House Bill 4176 HR_4176 2.900
body Claims compliance with spam regulations FURTHER_TRANSMISSIONS 1.101 2.900 0.701 2.900
body Contains word 'guarantee' in all-caps GUARANTEE 1.123 1.785 1.301 0.619
body Doesn't ask any questions NO_QS_ASKED 0.147 2.133 0.892 0.0
body Offers a full refund FULL_REFUND 0.518 1.011 0.600 0.228
body No such thing as a free lunch (1) FOR_FREE 0.515 0.573 0.390 0.366
body No such thing as a free lunch (2) COMPLETELY_FREE 0.771 1.101 0.500 1.101
body No such thing as a free lunch (3) NO_COST 1.017 0.926 0.643 0.949
body One hundred percent guaranteed GUARANTEED_100_PERCENT 1.101 0.500 1.100 0.952
body Discusses money making MONEY_MAKING 1.557 2.699 2.796 2.799
body Talks about bulk email BULK_EMAIL 1.372 1.621 1.371 1.838
body How dear can you be if you don't know my name? DEAR_FRIEND 0.484 0.0 0.0 0.0
body Contains 'Dear (something)' DEAR_SOMETHING 2.596 2.599 1.769 1.864
body Urges you to call now CALL_NOW 1.596 1.517 0.905 1.069
body Contains a tollfree number CALL_FREE 0.0
body Wants you to do business online ONLINE_BIZ_OPS 2.900
body Talks about lots of money BILLION_DOLLARS 1.490 2.900 0.0 0.0
body Talks about opting in (lowercase version) OPT_IN 1.260 0.469 1.335 0.756
body Talks about opting in (capitalized version) OPT_IN_CAPS 0.535 0.177 0.714 0.370
body Talks about opting out (lowercase version) OPT_OUT 1.225 0.042 2.184 0.541
body Talks about opting out (capitalized version) OPT_OUT_CAPS 1.434 0.0 1.127 0.0
body Talks about direct email DIRECT_EMAIL 0.0 0.693 0.0 0.0
body Talks about mass email MASS_EMAIL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.482
body Talks about email marketing EMAIL_MARKETING 0.0
body Tells you it's an ad PRODUCED_AND_SENT_OUT 0.0 0.0 2.900 0.0
body Instructions on how to increase something INCREASE_SOMETHING 0.0 0.0 1.094 1.296
body "another mailing" will "never" be "received" NEVER_ANOTHER 2.900
body "one time mailing" doesn't mean it isn't spam ONE_TIME_MAILING 1.480 0.951 0.737 1.053
body Get a million email addresses MILLION_EMAIL 2.896 2.130 0.994 2.750
body Only thing addresses on CD are useful for is spam ADDRESSES_ON_CD 2.900 2.900 0.930 2.581
body Gives a lame excuse about why you were sent this spam EXCUSE_1 0.114 0.705 0.0 0.728
body Claims you actually asked for this spam EXCUSE_2 0.0
body Claims you can be removed from the list EXCUSE_3 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.157
body Claims you can be removed from the list EXCUSE_4 2.896 2.676 2.900 2.896
body Claims you can be removed from the list EXCUSE_6 0.811 2.113 2.013 1.284
body Claims you can be removed from the list EXCUSE_7 0.0
body "if you do not wish to receive any more" EXCUSE_10 0.069 0.0 0.0 0.0
body Claims you were on a list EXCUSE_11 1.514 1.528 1.131 1.086
body Nobody's perfect EXCUSE_12 1.878 2.349 1.101 1.751
body Gives an excuse for why message was sent EXCUSE_13 0.501 0.501 0.501 0.0
body Tells you how to stop further spam EXCUSE_14 0.191 0.100 0.0 0.0
body Claims to be legitimate email EXCUSE_15 1.554 1.428 0.500 1.488
body I wonder how many emails they sent in error... EXCUSE_16 0.0
body Claims not to be spam EXCUSE_18 0.0
body Claims you opted-in or registered EXCUSE_19 1.347 0.622 1.101 0.500
body Claims you registered at their site EXCUSE_20 2.900
body Claims your address was obtained legitimately EXCUSE_21 2.421 2.813 4.300 2.884
body Claims you're receiving this offer for a reason EXCUSE_22 2.900
body Claims you have provided permission EXCUSE_23 2.900
body Claims you received an ad because you wanted it EXCUSE_24 4.300
body Talks about how to be removed from mailings EXCUSE_REMOVE 2.213 2.389 2.446 2.236
body Plugs Viagra VIAGRA 0.0
body Plugs "Natural Viagra" NATURAL_VIAGRA 0.0
body Plugs "Herbal Viagra" HERBAL_VIAGRA 1.435 0.308 1.861 1.597
body Targeted Traffic / Email Addresses TARGETED 2.896 2.799 2.439 2.615
body Offers a limited time offer LIMITED_TIME_ONLY 0.324 0.250 0.230 0.034
body Tells you about a strong buy STRONG_BUY 0.175 1.168 0.820 1.328
body Claims to honor removal requests WE_HONOR_ALL 1.101 4.300 1.101 4.300
body Sent using a trial version of CommuniGate COMMUNIGATE 1.709 2.291 2.618 1.447
body Gives information about an opportunity OPPORTUNITY 1.101 1.482 2.690 0.680
body Offers "pure" profit PURE_PROFIT 1.992 2.900 1.039 2.900
body Offers a picked stock STOCK_PICK 0.0 0.0 0.812 0.182
body Offers a alert about a stock STOCK_ALERT 2.857 2.799 2.796 2.729
body SEC-mandated penny-stock warning -- thanks SEC MICRO_CAP_WARNING 2.900 0.0 2.900 0.0
body Not registered investment advisor NOT_ADVISOR 2.900
body Offers a consultation for nothing FREE_CONSULTATION 2.900 2.482 2.900 2.898
body Describes some sort of breakthrough SOME_BREAKTHROUGH 0.712 1.688 1.298 0.410
body They have selected you for something SELECTED_YOU 0.0 0.0 0.237 0.0
body Asks for credit card details WANTS_CREDIT_CARD 2.043 2.799 2.796 2.796
body Asks for a billing address ASKS_BILLING_ADDRESS 0.041 0.0 0.014 0.0
body Asks you for your signature on a form PRINT_FORM_SIGNATURE 2.704 1.309 2.363 2.564
body Contains mail-in order form MAIL_IN_ORDER_FORM 0.701 0.736 0.701 1.063
body Instant Access button FOR_INSTANT_ACCESS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.976
body University Diplomas UNIVERSITY_DIPLOMAS 2.507 1.991 2.900 2.360
body 'Prestigious Non-Accredited Universities' PREST_NON_ACCREDITED 2.900
body Possible registry spammer NEW_DOMAIN_EXTENSIONS 2.053 2.228 2.174 2.292
body Domain registration spam body DOMAIN_BODY 0.0
body Gives instructions for removal from list REMOVAL_INSTRUCTIONS 0.611 0.0 0.502 0.0
body Claims "cannot be considered spam" CANNOT_BE_SPAM 1.654 1.394 1.374 1.679
body Claims "This is not spam" THIS_AINT_SPAM 1.615 1.875 2.015 2.799
body Says "We strongly oppose the use of spam email" WE_HATE_SPAM 1.937 1.199 2.900 2.090
body Says "this is an advertisement" (thanks!) THIS_IS_AN_AD 1.177 1.869 2.900 1.296
body Mentions Spam law "H.R. 3113" HR_3113 4.300 4.300 2.900 2.900
body Mentions Spam Law "UCE-Mail Act" UCE_MAIL_ACT 4.300 4.300 2.900 2.900
body Information on getting a larger penis or breasts PENIS_ENLARGE 2.796 1.388 1.483 1.716
body Information on getting a larger penis or breasts (2) PENIS_ENLARGE2 2.098 1.291 0.544 2.098
body Impotence cure IMPOTENCE 2.796 2.900 2.077 2.900
body Information on how to work at home (1) WORK_AT_HOME 1.116 0.546 1.114 0.0
body Information on how to work at home (2) HOME_EMPLOYMENT 1.601 1.557 1.600 1.652
body No experience needed! NO_EXPERIENCE 1.443 1.454 2.001 0.976
body Information on mortgages MORTGAGE_BEST 1.101 1.683 1.101 1.740
body Looks like mortgage pitch MORTGAGE_PITCH 0.828 0.574 0.500 0.686
body Information on mortgage rates MORTGAGE_RATES 0.500 0.387 1.101 0.540
body Something about waiting for mortgages MORTGAGE_WAITING 2.900
body Something about a mortgage network MORTGAGE_NETWORK 2.900
body A dodgy mortgage testimonial HELPED_FINANCE 2.900 0.0 2.900 0.0
body Interest rates FALLING_INTEREST 2.900
body Order a report from someone ORDER_REPORT 2.900
body Tells you to 'take action now!' TAKE_ACTION_NOW 2.900
body Asks you to fill out a form THE_FOLLOWING_FORM 0.0 0.258 1.126 1.184
rawbody mailto URI includes removal text MAILTO_WITH_SUBJ_REMOVE 1.101 0.500 1.100 0.500
rawbody Includes a URL link to send an email MAILTO_LINK 0.100 0.0 0.100 0.0
body Includes a link for AOL users to click AOL_USERS_LINK 1.416 0.884 1.015 2.271
body Nigerian scam key phrase (million dollars) US_DOLLARS 0.0 1.542 0.0 1.137
body Nigerian scam key phrase ((dollar) NNN.N m/USDNNN.N m/US(dollar) NN.N m) US_DOLLARS_2 0.0
body Nigerian scam key phrase ((dollar) NN,NNN,NNN.NN) US_DOLLARS_3 0.971 0.852 1.758 0.917
body Nigerian scam key phrase (millions of dollars) MILLION_USD 0.990 0.0 1.636 0.0
rawbody Frontpage used to create the message FRONTPAGE 0.501 0.691 0.500 1.856
body Contains "Temple Kiff" KIFF 2.900
body Contains "CBYI" CBYI 2.796 2.799 2.900 0.305
body Contains "My wife, Jody" testimonial JODY 2.900
body Contains "Gentle Ferocity" GENTLE_FEROCITY 2.900
body Contains "Vjestika Aphrodisia" VJESTIKA 2.900
body Contains "Toner Cartridge" TONER 1.295 1.716 1.437 1.168
body Doing something with my income YOUR_INCOME 2.182 2.540 1.807 2.696
body Apparently, you'll be amazed BE_AMAZED 0.0 0.281 0.124 0.027
body Resistance to this spam is futile RESISTANCE_IS_FUTILE 1.228 1.133 0.700 2.900
body Trying to offer you something GREAT_OFFER 0.0
body Contains 'subject to credit approval' SUBJ_2_CREDIT 1.838 1.506 2.134 0.0
body Contains urgent matter URGENT_BIZ 0.565 0.151 0.0 0.0
body Contains 'earn (dollar) something per week' EARN_PER_WEEK 0.0
body Contains 'for only pennies a day' PENNIES_A_DAY 2.900
body Contains 'for only' some amount of cash FOR_JUST_SOME_AMT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.181
body You'd better read all of this spam! READ_TO_END 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.359
body Spam is 100% natural?! ALL_NATURAL 2.051 1.226 2.796 2.075
body Money back guarantee MONEY_BACK 0.718 1.045 1.360 1.318
body There is no catch NO_CATCH 2.900 2.900 2.111 2.900
body There is no obligation NO_OBLIGATION 0.0
body You won't be "disappointed" NO_DISAPPOINTMENT 0.125 0.375 0.0 1.642
body Serious Enquiries Only SERIOUS_ONLY 2.412 0.0 2.796 0.0
body Risk free. Suuurreeee.... RISK_FREE 0.823 0.887 0.866 0.753
body As seen on national TV! AS_SEEN_ON 1.948 1.928 1.144 3.025
body Not intended for residents of somewhere or other NOT_INTENDED 2.900
body Common pyramid scheme phrase (1) COPY_ACCURATELY 2.900
body See for yourself SEE_FOR_YOURSELF 0.462 0.477 0.996 0.524
body Encourages you to waste no time in ordering ORDER_NOW 0.0
body Off Shore Scams OFFSHORE_SCAM 1.057 2.699 2.107 2.495
body Vacation Offers VACATION_SCAM 0.738 1.853 1.433 0.482
body Why Pay More? WHY_PAY_MORE 0.0 0.755 1.588 2.305
body Congratulations - you've been scammed? CONGRATULATIONS 0.0
body Talks about free mobile phones FREE_CELL_PHONE 1.873 2.794 1.902 2.900
body Free Leads FREE_LEADS 2.900 2.900 1.828 1.945
body Receive third party email RECEIVE_EMAIL 2.900
body Receive a special offer RECEIVE_OFFER 0.501 0.501 1.101 0.501
body Free Offer OFFER 0.100
body Free Quote FREE_QUOTE 1.316 1.657 1.101 1.101
body Free express or no-obligation quote FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT 2.896 2.900 2.470 2.900
body Free DVD FREE_DVD 0.0
body Free Investment FREE_INVESTMENT 1.630 1.465 1.625 0.585
body Free Trial FREE_TRIAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.017
body Free Membership FREE_MEMBERSHIP 0.701 0.700 0.758 0.105
body Free Website FREE_WEBSITE 0.930 2.334 1.841 2.316
body Credit Card Offers CREDIT_CARD 0.447 0.950 0.862 1.129
body No Credit Check NO_CREDIT_CHECK 2.900
body Avoid Bankruptcy BANKRUPTCY 1.390 0.504 1.337 1.444
body Credit Bureaus CREDIT_BUREAU 0.0
body Accept Credit Cards ACCEPT_CREDIT_CARDS 0.970 1.540 2.070 0.894
body Eliminate Bad Credit BAD_CREDIT 0.730 0.406 0.462 0.593
body Unsecured Credit/Debt UNSECURED_CREDIT 1.823 1.097 2.200 0.709
body Lower Interest Rates LOW_INTEREST 1.525 1.962 1.553 2.289
body Compare Rates COMPARE_RATES 1.890 2.750 2.535 0.327
body Save Up To SAVE_UP_TO 0.0
body Lower Monthly Payment LOW_PAYMENT 1.975 2.764 1.519 2.198
body Consolidate debt, credit, or bills CONSOLIDATE_DEBT 1.247 4.300 1.283 1.101
body Calling Creditors CREDITORS_CALLING 0.0
body Home refinancing REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME 0.0 0.896 0.855 0.0
body Home refinancing REFINANCE_NOW 2.899 2.183 2.900 2.899
body Discusses search engine listings SEARCH_ENGINE_PROMO 1.027 1.545 1.800 1.997
body Opportunity - What a deal! OPPORTUNITY_2 1.067 1.259 0.0 0.958
body No Purchase Necessary NO_PURCHASE 0.267 0.088 0.341 0.367
body No Strings Attached NO_STRINGS 2.092 2.699 2.349 2.699
body No Fees NO_FEE 0.506 0.234 0.545 0.509
body No Medical Exams NO_MEDICAL 2.900 2.900 0.0 2.900
body No Age Restrictions NO_AGE 1.959 2.325 0.754 2.497
body No Claim Forms NO_FORMS 2.530 2.478 1.907 2.481
body No Gimmick NO_GIMMICK 0.0
body No Investment NO_INVESTMENT 2.796 2.900 2.696 2.900
body Requires Initial Investment INITIAL_INVEST 2.734 2.734 2.057 2.734
body No Inventory NO_INVENTORY 2.899 2.900 2.291 2.900
body Buy Direct BUY_DIRECT 0.708 0.224 0.218 0.634
body Drastically Reduced DRASTIC_REDUCED 2.199 1.011 1.760 2.398
body Do it Today DO_IT_TODAY 0.0 0.0 0.046 0.457
body What are you waiting for WHY_WAIT 1.094 1.093 0.728 0.925
body Supplies are Limited SUPPLIES_LIMITED 0.0 0.0 0.076 0.543
body Secretly Recorded SECRET_RECORD 2.252 0.0 0.0 0.0
body Someone using your identity USE_IDENTITY 2.900
body You can search for anyone YOU_CAN_SEARCH 2.900
body Find out anything FIND_ANYTHING 0.330 0.409 0.174 0.330
body Score with babes! SEDUCTION 0.0 0.762 0.442 0.738
body Invaluable marketing information INVALUABLE_MARKETING 2.900
body Marketing Solutions MARKET_SOLUTION 2.095 2.199 2.297 1.897
body Direct Marketing MARKETING 0.0 0.467 0.0 0.0
body Save big money SAVE_MONEY 0.0
body Guaranteed Stuff GUARANTEED_STUFF 0.0 0.014 1.027 1.029
body Additional Income INCOME 2.749 2.900 2.520 2.432
body Potential Earnings EARNINGS 1.381 2.900 2.117 2.900
body The best Rates THE_BEST_RATE 4.300 3.956 3.915 2.934
body Promise you ...! WE_PROMISE_YOU 1.753 2.384 1.173 2.298
body Amazing Stuff AMAZING_STUFF 0.450 1.201 0.822 0.701
body Cash Bonus CASH_BONUS 0.146 0.844 1.301 1.131
body Shopping Spree SHOPPING_SPREE 0.0 0.551 0.0 1.375
body Fantastic Deal FANTASTIC 0.0
body Cents on the Dollar CENTS_ON_DOLLAR 2.900
body Lose Weight Spam DIET 0.0 0.0 0.025 0.0
body Long Distance Phone Offer LONG_DISTANCE 2.477 1.989 0.435 0.298
body Reverses Aging REVERSE_AGING 2.230 2.118 3.386 2.129
body Cures Baldness HAIR_LOSS 2.796 2.799 2.796 3.565
body Cable Converter CABLE_CONVERTER 2.900
body Luxury Car LUXURY_CAR 0.0 0.0 1.569 0.256
body Removes Wrinkles WRINKLES 4.300 2.900 4.300 4.300
body Buying judgements BUY_JUDGEMENTS 0.0
body Will not Believe your Eyes! LYING_EYES 0.755 0.760 1.139 1.263
body While you Sleep WHILE_YOU_SLEEP 1.391 1.683 1.101 1.155
body While Supplies Last WHILE_SUPPLIES 0.145 0.0 0.275 0.0
body If only it were that easy RICH 2.068 0.944 2.068 2.259
body Who really wins? YOU_WON 0.0 0.561 0.137 1.070
body Contains 'Special Promotion' PROMOTION 2.278 2.590 1.042 0.800
body Offers Free (often stolen) Passwords FREE_PASSWORD 1.846 1.457 1.932 1.846
body Talks about Hidden Charges HIDDEN_CHARGES 0.0 1.817 0.0 0.0
body Get Started Now GET_STARTED_NOW 0.060 2.900 0.139 2.900
body Only (dollar) (dollar) (dollar) ONLY_COST 0.0 0.0 0.220 0.0
body Save (dollar) (dollar) (dollar) SAVE_BUCKS 0.0
body Financial Freedom FINANCIAL 4.300
body Stock Disclaimer Statement FORWARD_LOOKING 2.796 2.900 2.899 1.419
body Satisfaction Guaranteed SATISFACTION 0.530 0.527 0.649 0.690
body Talks about prizes PRIZE 0.0 0.117 0.122 0.236
body Human Growth Hormone HGH 0.500 1.206 1.101 1.102
body Easy Terms EASY_TERMS 2.900
body Offers Extra Cash EXTRA_CASH 1.184 2.699 0.840 0.883
body Get Paid GET_PAID 2.796 2.799 2.896 2.796
body Have you been turned down? BEEN_TURNED_DOWN 1.258 1.388 1.736 0.465
body One Time Rip Off ONE_TIME 0.0 0.0 0.097 0.0
body Compete for your business COMPETE 2.896 2.899 2.345 2.473
body New Customers Only NEW_CUSTOMER 1.925 1.902 0.0 1.797
body Meet Singles MEET_SINGLES 2.796 2.799 0.967 1.595
body Join Millions of Americans JOIN_MILLIONS 2.599 2.466 1.263 2.453
body Be your own boss BE_BOSS 2.896 2.900 2.101 2.900
body Dig up Dirt on Friends DIG_UP_INFO 2.900
body Multi Level Marketing mentioned MLM 0.822 0.765 0.623 0.676
body Apparently, NOT Multi Level Marketing NOT_MLM 2.900
body Serious cash SERIOUS_CASH 1.493 2.409 1.729 2.197
body "Collect Child Support" Scam CHILD_SUPPORT 0.0
body Claims to be Legal ITS_LEGAL 1.679 1.482 0.0 0.318
body Free Grant Money FREE_GRANT 0.701 2.900 2.420 2.900
body Fast Viagra Delivery VIAGRA_ONLINE 0.701 0.701 2.900 1.045
body Viagra and other drugs VIAGRA_COMBO 2.900
body Online Pharmacy ONLINE_PHARMACY 2.681 0.855 1.729 2.676
body Confidentiality on all orders CONFIDENTIAL_ORDER 0.0
body 'Hidden' assets HIDDEN_ASSETS 2.900
body Save big money SAVE_THOUSANDS 0.711 1.931 1.392 1.590
body Claims you registered with some kind of partner MARKETING_PARTNERS 2.080 2.072 1.555 2.076
body Orders shipped by priority mail PRIORITY_MAIL 0.0
body Trying to sell insurance online SAVE_ON_INSURANCE 1.629 0.262 2.796 2.796
body Contains "Stop Snoring" STOP_SNORING 2.900 2.900 0.0 2.900
body Free Application APPLY_FREE 1.819 1.490 1.921 1.677
body Apply online (with capital O) APPLY_ONLINE 0.723 0.683 0.060 2.699
body Contains 'free installation' with capitals FREE_INSTALL 2.900 2.900 2.796 2.900
body Free Preview FREE_PREVIEW 0.300 0.220 1.643 2.724
body Local part containing a "4u" variant USER_4U2 2.696 2.599 1.645 2.201
body Domain name containing a "4u" variant DOMAIN_4U2 1.470 0.0 0.835 0.745
body Contains 'free access' with capitals FREE_ACCESS 0.0 0.0 0.516 0.0
body Contains 'free sample' with capitals FREE_SAMPLE 0.0
body Contains 'Get it now' with capitals GET_IT_NOW 0.0 1.116 0.0 0.277
body Lowest Price LOW_PRICE 0.525 0.0 0.665 0.017
body Increase your ejaculation! EJACULATION 0.0
body Talks about tracing by SSN TRACE_BY_SSN 0.0
body Claims auto-email removal AUTO_EMAIL_REMOVAL 0.993 0.0 0.0 0.0
body Once in a lifetime, apparently ONCE_IN_LIFETIME 0.0 0.225 0.506 0.972
rawbody Contains signature of unregistered spam tool SAFEGUARD_NOTICE 2.900
body More Internet Traffic MORE_TRAFFIC 0.0
body No Middleman NO_MIDDLEMAN 0.0
body Cell Phone Cancer Scam PHONE_CANCER 0.0
body People just leave money laying around UNCLAIMED_MONEY 1.684 1.640 1.624 1.684
rawbody Form for verifying email address SPAM_FORM_INPUT 0.0
body Well known spam senders INTL_EXEC_GUILD 0.0
body Claims to be in accordance with some Spam law IN_ACCORDANCE_WITH_LAWS 0.0
body Terms and conditions CHANGE_TERMS 0.0
body Don't delete me! Nooooo!!!! DONT_DELETE 0.571 0.071 0.351 0.0
body Claims you can be removed from the list EXCUSE_8 0.0
body Things incredible INCREDIBLE 0.0
body Claims not to be selling anything NO_SELLING 0.0
body Psychics Scam PSYCHIC 0.0
body Achieve Wealth WEALTH 0.0
rawbody Mentions MONSTERHUT 0.0
rawbody Old Murkowski disclaimer MURKOWSKI_CRUFT 0.0
body Message talks about earning money EARN_MONEY 0.950 1.018 0.379 0.949
body Message seems to contain obscured email address (rot13) OBSCURED_EMAIL 2.896 2.900 2.900 2.900
body Mentions their affiliate partners OUR_AFFILIATE_PARTNERS 2.900
body Mentions their full compensation OUR_COMPENSATION 0.0
body Mentions their overwhelming growth OUR_OVERWHELMING_GROWTH 2.900
body Mentions their strict antipathy on something OUR_STRICT_ANTI 2.900
body Mentions their website and/or publications OUR_PUBLICATIONS 0.0
body Mentions where their privacy policy is OUR_PRIVACY_POLICY 2.900 2.900 1.998 2.900
body Talks about cell-phone signal improvement CELL_PHONE_BOOST 1.927 2.099 1.927 0.619
body Stop with the offers, coupons, discounts etc! OFFERS_ETC 0.337 0.823 0.100 0.366
body Talks about your boss with an exclamation! BANG_BOSS 0.710 0.0 1.887 0.407
body Talks about exercise with an exclamation! BANG_EXERCISE 3.070 2.539 2.339 3.150
body Talks about money with an exclamation! BANG_MONEY 0.524 0.741 1.102 1.722
body Talks about more with an exclamation! BANG_MORE 0.816 0.674 0.122 0.0
body Talks about Oprah with an exclamation! BANG_OPRAH 4.300
body Talks about quotes with an exclamation! BANG_QUOTE 2.567 2.285 2.357 2.625
body International driving license INTL_DRIVERS_LICENSE 2.900 2.900 2.900 1.987
body Talks about 'acting now' with capitals ACT_NOW_CAPS 0.786 1.035 0.083 1.729
body Talks about 'starting now' with capitals START_NOW_CAPS 2.900 2.900 1.592 1.997
body No Worries, Mate WORRY_FREE 0.0
body Talks about 'experts' showing you how EXPERTS_SHOW_HOW 0.0
body Talks about 'enhancing any website' ENHANCE_WEBSITE 0.0
body Talks about a bigger drive for sex INCREASE_SEX 1.716 2.014 3.404 1.101
body Something is emphatically guaranteed BANG_GUARANTEE 0.674 0.501 0.501 0.0
body Mailer is against spam -- aren't we all? WE_HATE_SPAM2 0.962 2.847 2.786 1.354
body Has generic 'up to X or more' noise UP_TO_OR_MORES 0.335 2.799 0.837 1.640
body Has 'add/lose/make/save up to X or more' noise VERB_UP_TO_OR_MORES 0.0 1.178 0.0 2.273
body Possible porn - Large Number of movies, pics LARGE_COLLECTION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.033
body Possible porn - Free Porn FREE_PORN 1.101 4.299 1.163 2.656
body Possible porn - Barely Legal BARELY_LEGAL 0.026 1.473 0.904 1.203
body Possible porn - Mega Porn MEGA_SITE 2.900
body Possible porn - Cum Shot CUM_SHOT 1.676 2.900 1.386 2.900
body Possible porn - in ALL CAPS ALL_CAP_PORN 0.398 0.0 0.775 0.260
body Possible porn - Pay Site PAY_SITE 2.796 2.534 2.653 2.213
body Possible porn - Porn Fest SEX_FEST 1.233 2.900 0.263 2.900
body Possible porn - Live Porn LIVE_PORN 1.560 2.799 2.796 2.796
body Possible porn - Hardcore Porn HARDCORE_PORN 2.900 2.799 2.796 2.796
body Possible porn - Hot, Nasty, Wild, Young HOT_NASTY 0.513 0.0 1.148 0.507
body Possible porn - Best, Largest Porn Collections BEST_PORN 0.0
body Possible porn - Nasty Girls NASTY_GIRLS 2.896 2.799 2.451 2.796
body Possible porn - Amateur Porn AMATEUR_PORN 1.547 2.799 1.679 1.305
body Possible porn - Celebrity Porn CELEBRITY_PORN 0.0 0.258 1.653 0.018
body Possible porn - Adult Web Sites ADULT_SITE 0.616 0.615 0.463 0.804
body Possible porn - Must be 18 MUST_BE_18 1.705 2.032 1.483 1.705
body Possible porn - Offers Instant Access INSTANT_ACCESS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.013
body Possible porn - Rape RAPE 1.469 2.314 1.322 0.822
body Possible porn - Lesbian Site LESBIAN 1.331 1.347 1.105 2.900
body Possible porn - Porn Password PORN_PASSWORD 2.900
body Possible Porn - XXX Photos PORN_6 2.772 2.786 2.900 2.511
body Possible Porn - Porn membership PORN_MEMBERSHIP 2.900
body Possible porn - Galleries of Pictures PORN_GALLERIES 0.0
body Possible porn - various types of feline PORN_15 2.900 2.900 2.409 2.900
body Possible porn - nasty, dirty, little etc. PORN_16 2.896 2.899 2.009 2.457
body Thousands or millions of pics/movies/etc LOTS_OF_STUFF 0.0 0.0 0.252 0.0
body Attempts to disguise porn words DISGUISE_PORN 1.727 1.663 1.727 2.464
header Bulk email software fingerprint (eGroups) found in headers RATWARE_EGROUPS 1.601 4.300 1.177 4.300
header Bulk email software fingerprint (hash 2) found in headers RATWARE_HASH_2 1.313 1.414 1.465 1.901
header Bulk email software fingerprint (hash 2 v2) found in headers RATWARE_HASH_2_V2 0.995 1.890 1.192 1.132
header Bulk email software fingerprint (jpfree) found in headers RATWARE_JPFREE 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (VC_IPA) found in headers RATWARE_VC_IPA 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (Group Mail) found in headers RATWARE_GROUPMAIL 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (GRMessageQueue) found in headers RATWARE_GR 2.900 2.900 0.0 0.0
header X-Mailer contains "OutLook Express 3.14159" RATWARE_OE_PI 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (StormPost) found in headers RATWARE_STORM 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (JiXing) found in headers RATWARE_JIXING 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (screwup 1) found in headers RATWARE_SCREWUP_1 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (MMailer) found in headers RATWARE_MMAILER 2.900
header X-Mailer contains malformed Outlook Express version RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (EVAMAIL) found in headers RATWARE_EVAMAIL 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (screwup 2) found in headers RATWARE_SCREWUP_2 0.0
header Bulk email software fingerprint (IMktg) found in headers RATWARE_IMKTG 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (xmailer tag) found in headers RATWARE_XMAILER 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (PowerCampaign) found in headers RATWARE_POWERC 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (DiffondiCool) found in headers RATWARE_DIFFOND 0.0
header Bulk email software fingerprint (charset) found in headers RATWARE_CHARSET 0.0
header Bulk email software fingerprint (charset 2) found in headers RATWARE_CHARSET_V2 2.900 0.0 0.0 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (Caretop) found in headers RATWARE_CARETOP 0.0
header Bulk email software fingerprint ("outlook") found in headers RATWARE_LC_OUTLOOK 0.0
header Bulk email software fingerprint ("EMWAC SMTPRS") found in headers RATWARE_EMWAC 2.896 2.017 2.283 1.587
header Bulk email software fingerprint (bang-hash) found in headers RATWARE_BANG_HASH 0.0
header Bulk email software fingerprint (float) found in headers RATWARE_FLOAT 2.900
header Bulk email software fingerprint (Direct Email) found in headers RATWARE_DIRECT_EMAIL 2.900 2.900 0.0 2.900
uri Uses a numeric IP address in URL NUMERIC_HTTP_ADDR 1.134 0.237 0.0 1.551
uri Uses a dotted-decimal IP address in URL NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP 0.902 0.677 0.615 0.697
uri Uses a username in a URL HTTP_USERNAME_USED 0.664 0.743 1.156 0.661
uri 'remove' URL contains an email address HTTP_WITH_EMAIL_IN_URL 0.461 0.254 0.564 0.0
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uri Uses control sequences inside a URL's hostname HTTP_CTRL_CHARS_HOST 0.700 2.900 1.561 2.900
uri Completely unnecessary %-escapes inside a URL HTTP_EXCESSIVE_ESCAPES 1.101 0.566 1.208 1.918
uri URL uses words and phrases which indicate porn (4) PORN_4 2.076 2.494 0.907 1.989
uri Frequent SPAM content WWW_CLIK4YOU_COM 0.0
uri URL of CGI script called "unsubscribe" or "remove" UNSUB_SCRIPT 0.087 0.192 0.0 0.0
uri URL of page called "unsubscribe" UNSUB_PAGE 0.159 0.0 0.181 0.0
uri URL of page called "remove" REMOVE_PAGE 0.313 0.265 0.675 0.401
uri Includes a link to send a mail with a subject MAILTO_WITH_SUBJ 0.347 0.018 0.0 0.575
uri Includes a link to a likely spammer email address MAILTO_TO_SPAM_ADDR 0.606 0.377 0.795 0.676
uri Includes a 'remove' email address MAILTO_TO_REMOVE 0.274 0.299 0.092 0.273
uri Javascript protocol in a URI JAVASCRIPT_URI 0.0 0.017 0.0 0.0
uri Uses non-standard port number for HTTP WEIRD_PORT 0.0 0.653 0.0 0.424
uri URL contains username and (optional) password USERPASS 1.487 1.458 1.788 1.297
uri Frequent SPAM content WWW_AUTOREMOVE_COM 0.0
uri Filename is just a '\#'; probably a JS trick URI_IS_POUND 1.258 1.385 0.132 1.090
uri Frequent SPAM content BTAMAIL_URL 1.399 1.675 2.283 1.593
uri Frequent SPAM content CHINA_URL 2.900
uri Includes a link to a likely spammer email address (b2b-mail) MAILTO_TO_B2BMAIL 2.900 2.900 0.0 0.0
uri Spam URL pattern, DailyPromotions redirect link DAILY_PL 1.101 1.622 2.900 1.221
uri Spam URL pattern, DailyPromotions server link DAILY_PXE 2.029 2.440 4.300 2.773
uri Includes a link to a likely spammer domain ( E_MAILPROMO_URL 2.900
uri Includes a link to a likely spammer domain BARGAIN_URL 1.026 0.700 2.434 1.187
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 0 to 1% BAYES_00 0 0 -5.300 -5.200
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 1 to 10% BAYES_01 0 0 -5.400 -5.400
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 10 to 20% BAYES_10 0 0 -5.300 -4.701
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 20 to 30% BAYES_20 0 0 -4.701 -2.601
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 30 to 40% BAYES_30 0 0 -1.070 -0.927
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 40 to 44% BAYES_40 0.0
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 44 to 50% BAYES_44 0.0
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 50 to 56% BAYES_50 0.0
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 56 to 60% BAYES_56 0.0
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 60 to 70% BAYES_60 0 0 1.997 1.101
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 70 to 80% BAYES_70 0 0 2.593 2.310
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 80 to 90% BAYES_80 0 0 5.300 2.862
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 90 to 99% BAYES_90 0 0 4.027 3.002
body Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 99 to 100% BAYES_99 0 0 5.200 3.008
body es Claims you can be removed in Spanish REMOVE_ES_01 1
body es Claims you can be removed in Spanish REMOVE_ES_02 1
body es Claims you can be removed in Spanish REMOVE_ES_03 1
body es Claims you can be removed in Spanish REMOVE_ES_04 1
body es If you send an email you will be OptOut REMOVE_ES_05 1
body es Claims you can opt-out REMOVE_ES_06 1
body es Claims you can opt-out REMOVE_ES_07 1
body es Claims you can opt-out REMOVE_ES_08 1
body es If you want to subscribe... SUBSCRIBE_ES_01 1
body es Claims not to be spam in Spanish EXCUSE_ES_01 1
body es Someone fell free to send you a message in Spanish EXCUSE_ES_02 1
body es Someone requested an spammer to spam you in Spanish EXCUSE_ES_03 1
body es El correo como alternativa comercial EXCUSE_ES_05 1
body es Mensaje enviado por error EXCUSE_ES_06 1
body es No se puede considerar spam EXCUSE_ES_07 1
body es Para dejar de fumar DEJAR_DE_FUMAR_ES 1
body es Nos animan a contestar si estamos interesados INTERESADO_ES 1
body es Dice cumplir con la ley LEY_ORGANICA_ES 2.0
body es Clama cumplir con la normativa SPAM NORMATIVA_SPAM_ES 2.0
body es No existe legislación en Chile contra el SPAM LEY_CHILE_ES_01 1
body es Clama cumplir con la legislación chilena LEY_CHILE_ES_02 1
body es Inmigración legal (?) a los Estados Unidos TARJETA_VERDE_ES 1
body es Promocion especial. PROMOCION_ES 1
body es Alta en buscadores hispanos. ALTA_BUSCADORES_ES 1
body es Presentación de un nuevo producto. PRESENTAMOS_ES 1
body es Pago contra reembolso. CONTRA_REEMBOLSO_ES 1
body es Para hacer su pedido. PEDIDO_ES 1
body es Haga click aqui. CLICK_ES 1
body es Los regalos no existen, salvo de nuestros amigos. REGALO_ES 1
body es Pueden ser ganadores. GANADORES_ES_01 1
body es Ha sido ganador. GANADORES_ES_02 1
body es Porno gratis. PORNO_GRATIS_ES 1
body es Mas informacion. MAS_INFORMACION_ES 1
body es Informacion y reserva INFORMACION_RESERVA_ES 1
body es Conviertete en Spammer. REENVIA_ES 1
body es No nos envían más spam... seguro que no. NO_MAS_MAIL_1_ES 1
body es No recibirá este spam otra vez... seguro que no. NO_MAS_MAIL_2_ES 1
body es Las direcciones fueron obtenidas de internet. COLECTOR_DE_MAILS_ES 1
body pl /do odwiedzenia/i PL_DO_ODWIEDZENIA 1
body pl /serdecznie.{0,50}zapraszamy/i PL_SERDECZ_ZAPRASZAMY 1
body pl /zam.wieni/i PL_ZAMOWIENIE 1
body pl /bezp.atn/i PL_BEZPLATNIE 1
body pl /wyprzeda/i PL_WYPRZEDAZ 1
body pl /najtansz/i PL_NAJTANSZE 1
body pl /promoc/i PL_PROMOCJA 1
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body pl /atrakcyjn.{0,30}propozyc/i PL_ATRAKCYJNA_PROPOZYCJA 1
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body pl / now.{0,50} ofert/i PL_NOWYCH_OFERTA 1
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body pl /szer.{0,50} ofert/i PL_NAJSZERSZA_OFERTA 1
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body pl /ofert.{0,50} promoc/i PL_OFERTA_PROMOCYJNA 1
body pl /ofer.{0,50} pa.stwu/i PL_OFERUJEMY_PANSTWU 1
body pl /posiadam.{0,50} ofer/i PL_POSIADAMY_W_OFERCIE 1
body pl /GDZIE.{0,50}KUPI/i PL_GDZIEKUPIC 1
body pl /nasz.{0,50} ofert/i PL_NASZ_OFERT 1
body pl /nasz.{0,50} firm/i PL_NASZ_FIRMA 1
body pl /maill?ing/i PL_MAILING 1
body pl /www\.adresy\.org/i PL_WWW_ADRESY_ORG 1
body pl /zainteresowan.{0,50}wsp..prac/ PL_WSPOLPRACA 1
body pl /chci{0,50} PL_CHCIELIBYSMY 1
body pl /nie zwlekaj/i PL_NIE_ZWLEKAJ 1
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Za zaliczeniem pocztowym...' PL_ZALICZENIE_POCZT 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Upowaznienie do wystawiania faktur VAT...' PL_UPOWAZNIENIE_VAT 1.5
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Je¿eli nie chcesz (otrzymywac)...' PL_JESLI_NIE_CHCESZ 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Je¿eli nie interesuj±...' PL_JEZELI_NIE_INTERES 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Je¿eli (Pañstwo) nie ¿yczycie(sz) sobie' PL_JEZELI_NIE 2.5
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Zamów teraz!!!' PL_ZAMOW_TERAZ 2.5
body pl Tresc zawiera 'do nabycia u nas' PL_NABYCIA_UNAS 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Wiadomo¶æ nadano jednorazowo...' PL_NADANO_JEDNORAZOWO 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Wiadomo¶æ nadano na podstawie...' PL_NADANO_NA_PODSTAWIE 2.0
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'Szanowni Pañstwo' PL_SZANOWNI_PANSTWO 1.0
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'Zaprosiæ pañstwa' PL_ZAPROSICI_PANSTWO 1.5
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'odes³anie z dopiskiem NIE' PL_DOPISKIEM_NIE 2.5
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'Artykul 25 ust 2 punkt 2' PL_ARTYKUL_USTAWY 2.5
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'Ustawy o ochronie danych osobowych' PL_DANE_OSOBOWE 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'na podstawie adresow e-mail publicznie...' PL_ADRESOW_PUBLICZ 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'publicznie dostêpny (email)' PL_PUBL_DOSTEPNY 1.5
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'adres e-mail zostal znaleziony/pozyskany' PL_ADRES_EMAIL 2.0
body pl Tre¶æ zawiera 'adres (e-mail) pochodzi z ogólnodostêpnych....' PL_ADRES_EMAIL_3 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'przepraszamy za zajêty czas' PL_ZAJETY_CZAS 2.5
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Niezainteresowanych przepraszamy..' PL_NIEZAINTERESOWANYCH 2.5
body pl Tre¶æ jest od wydawnictwa Verlag Dashofer (spamerzy) PL_DASHOFER 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Prosimy o przes³anie pustego maila' PL_PUSTY_MAIL 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Wys³aæ pusty mail' PL_PUSTY_MAIL_2 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Aby usun±æ adres e-mail...' PL_USUNAC_MAIL 2.5
body pl Tresc zawiera '...adres z bazy...' PL_ADRES_Z_BAZY 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'USUN Z BAZY' PL_USUN_Z_BAZY 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera '...mail z tematem...' PL_MAIL_Z_TEMATEM 1.5
body pl Tresc zawiera '...prosimy o zwrotny e-mail...' PL_PROSBA_O_ZWROTNY 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'temat USUN' PL_TEMAT_USUN 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'kliknij w poni¿szy link' PL_KLIKNIJ_W_LINK 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Zapraszamy do udzialu' PL_ZAPRASZAMY_UDZIAL 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Jezeli wiadomosc doszla wiecej..' PL_JESLI_WIADOMOSC 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Zg³oszenie powinno...' PL_ZGLOSZENIE_POWINNO 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Mamy przyjemnosc..' PL_MAMY_PRZYJEMNOSC 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Prosimy o skladanie na...' PL_PROSIMY_O_SKLADANIE 1.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'reklama (bez)platna' PL_REKLAMA 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'wystarczy wejsc na strone' PL_WYSTARCZY_WEJSC 2.0
body pl Tresc zawiera 'czas obowiazywania promocji jest ograniczony' PL_CZAS_OBOWIAZYWANIA 2.5
body pl Tresc zawiera 'oferta' PL_OFERTA 0.4
body pl Tresc zawiera 'Otrzymasz bezplatnie..' PL_OTRZYMASZ_BEZPLATN 1.6
body pl Tresc zawiera 'swoich znajomych i przyjaciol' PL_SWOICH_ZNAJOMYCH 0.4
body pl Tresc zawiera 'dodatkowo dosta(j| ni)esz' PL_DODATKOWO 0.6
body pl Tresc zawiera 'witaj internauto' PL_WITAJ_INTERNAUTO 0.4
header es Publicidad por e-mail OFERTA_ES 1
header es Contiene la palabra gratis en las cabeceras GRATIS_T_ES 1
header pl Temat zawiera 'oferta' PL_TEMAT_OFERTA 1.5

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