web site help for the www.canweb.net (yoss.canweb.net) server.
main info last updated 29dec96 - created
i would prefer if you are going to have a homepage on www.canweb.net that
it be on the small side, and not business-related.
many of you with shell accounts here are getting them for next to nothing,
and you should respect the people who are paying for their pages by not
eating large amounts of diskspace/bandwidth. if you want to pay for a
homepage so that you get more privileges, or to allow you to have a more
professional business page, just email me. we aren't exactly
to have a homepage on my box, make a directory called "public_www"
in your home directory (the directory you are first in when you log into
yoss.canweb.net). put the file "index.html" in it to start your
homepage. now, when people hit "http://www.canweb.net/~youracct/"
they will get that index.html file.
i installed a new CGI script helper today. please see "cgic.html" for more details. the
library has been installed to "/usr/local/lib/cgic105/".
i've added a capability to alias a canweb.net domain to a name you
like to point to your homepage. let's say your username was 'jeff'.
instead of having http://www.canweb.net/~jeff you can now have
http://jeff.canweb.net/ take you straight there. aside from the
bonus of having a leet canweb.net domain name for your page (haw
haw), you can now have your own set of ERROR documents.
if someone hits jeff.canweb.net with a request for a page that
doesn't exist, you can have your own error page come up to tell they have
the wrong address. to activate this, make a document called
'pagenotfound.html' in your public_www directory. if you
don't do this it, they won't get anything if they get an error
while trying to access a non-existent document on jeff.canweb.net.
keep in mind this special error handling applies only if someone is
using your special domain name. if they use the normal
www.canweb.net/~jeff it will show the standard
pagenotfound.html document for www.canweb.net.
get in touch with me if you'd like a canweb.net alias.
i have a new collection of images online that
original comes with the H0TMetaL Pr0 3.0 distribution. you may want to check
it out if you are doing homepage work.
i've been asked several times to make a counter available so that people can
see how many times their pages have been hit. i've finally installed a good
one, follow this link to get