->Title Page
->Vi editor
-->Vi reference
--->Move commands
--->Changing text
--->Insert mode
--->Display commands
--->Shell commands
--->Vi Startup
--->Important options
-->Miscellaneous tips
->Mirror sites
->Further reading

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Vi ---> Insert

End inserting text with <esc>

     * | a                  | <*> times after the cursor.
     * | A                  | <*> times at the end of line.
     * | i                  | <*> times before the cursor (insert).
     * | I                  | <*> times before the first CHAR of the line
     * | o                  | On a new line below the current (open).
                            |   The count is only useful on a slow terminal.
     * | O                  | On a new line above the current.
                            |   The count is only useful on a slow terminal.
     * | ><move>            | Shift the lines described by <*><move> one
                            |   shiftwidth to the right.
     * | >>                 | Shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the right.
     * | ["<a-zA-Z1-9>]p    | Put the contents of the (default undo) buffer
                            |   <*> times after the cursor.
                            |   A buffer containing lines is put only once,
                            |   below the current line.
     * | ["<a-zA-Z1-9>]P    | Put the contents of the (default undo) buffer
                            |   <*> times before the cursor.
                            |   A buffer containing lines is put only once,
                            |   above the current line.
     * | .                  | Repeat previous command <*> times.  If the last
                            |   command before a `.' command references a
                            |   numbered buffer, the buffer number is
                            |   incremented first (and the count is ignored):
                            |   "1pu.u.u.u.u      - `walk through' buffers 1
                            |                       through 5
                            |   "1P....           - restore them

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This section is based on "Vi Reference" by Maarten Litmaath et al.

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© 1993-2000 Christopher C. Taylor