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When mapping take a look at the options to and remap (below).
:map <string> <seq> | <string> is interpreted as <seq>, e.g.
| `:map ^C :!cc %^V<cr>' to invoke `cc' (the C
| compiler) from within the editor
| (vi replaces `%' with the current file name).
:map | Show all mappings.
:unmap <string> | Deprive <string> of its mapping. When vi
| complains about non-mapped macros (whereas no
| typos have been made), first do something like
| `:map <string> Z', followed by
| `:unmap <string>' (`Z' must not be a macro
| itself), or switch to `ex' mode first with `Q'.
:map! <string> <seq> | Mapping in append mode, e.g.
| `:map! \be begin^V<cr>end;^V<esc>O<ht>'.
| When in append mode <string> is preceded by
| `^V', no mapping is done.
:map! | Show all append mode mappings.
:unmap! <string> | Deprive <string> of its mapping (see `:unmap').
:ab <string> <seq> | Whenever in append mode <string> is preceded and
| followed by a breakpoint (e.g. <sp> or `,'), it
| is interpreted as <seq>, e.g.
| `:ab ^P procedure'. A `^V' immediately
| following <string> inhibits expansion.
:ab | Show all abbreviations.
:unab <string> | Do not consider <string> an abbreviation
| anymore (see `:unmap').
@<a-z> | Consider the contents of the named register a
| command, e.g.:
| o0^D:s/wrong/good/<esc>"zdd
| Explanation:
| o - open a new line
| 0^D - remove indentation
| :s/wrong/good/ - this input text is an
| `ex' substitute command
| <esc> - finish the input
| "zdd - delete the line just
| created into register `z'
| Now you can type `@z' to replace `wrong'
| with `good' on the current line.
@@ | Repeat last register command.
This section is based on "Vi Reference" by Maarten Litmaath et al.
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